For the last 20 years, veteran B2B sales leader Vincent Guyaux has been selling to executives around the world.
In 2006, Vincent was CEO of Imaginum, a fabless semiconductor manufacturer providing parts for LED televisions. The company was under-financed at the time Vincent had a meeting with Samsung’s display screen division VP of technology in South Korea.
His pitch was going well, but his prospect had an uncommon smirk to his face when Vincent asked him if he was comfortable working with a company like Imaginum. He could feel something unusual was happening.
As he was wrapping up his pitch, the prospect turned to him and asked, “Will you come back?”
Vincent was a bit stunned by the question. The VP of technology followed by saying that he meets about a dozen of people like Vincent every week. “Everyone says they’ll come back, but only few do.”
Businesses want to work with other businesses that are in it for the long haul. They want long-term commitment to reduce their risk.
Vincent promised that he would come back on a regular schedule and gave specific dates for his return.
It took three trips to South Korea over a three-month period, but the Samsung display executive eventually signed a first design project with Imaginum.
Vincent had proven that he was reliable, trustworthy and that his firm was in it for the long game. These are three of the five attributes customers look for in credible vendors.
Do you have sufficient credibility in your market?
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