
How to Prioritize Market Assumptions and Markets for Your Product or Innovation

“You’re not obligated to serve every possible customer. The products and services you develop should match your company’s overall financial and commercial goals.” – Madhavan Ramanujam and Georg Tacke, Authors of Monetizing Innovation You’ve been able to identify a few dozen markets. Many look promising.

How to Find Business Opportunities by Analyzing B2B SaaS Pricing Pages

There’s a lot that can be learned by studying B2B SaaS pricing pages. Once you’ve homed in on a market, you can find business opportunities by analyzing the technology landscape, looking at what business customers already buy. You can speed up product-market validation by identifying

How to Find Good B2B Business Ideas – The Complete Guide

It’s hard to find good B2B business ideas. In fact, it’s one of the most common questions I get when people read Lean B2B: “What are some ways to find B2B business ideas?”“How do I come up with good business ideas in B2B?”“What are some

What’s Your Startup’s Minimum Viable Vision?

Your vision should rarely change. Your strategy should occasionally change. Your tactics should regularly change. – Aaron Levie, Box Co-Founder and CEO Alistair Croll, co-author of the book Lean Analytics, coined the term Minimum Viable Vision (MVV) as a way to help identify the minimum

Why Your Next B2B Startup Might Need to Focus on Mobile

Earlier this month, enterprise-focused VC firm Emergence Capital published a really insightful analysis of the mobile SaaS and enterprise market: Looking at the deck, a few things quickly jump to mind: IT budgets are shifting to mobile … Key aspects of the mobile experience are

How to Turn Consulting Into a Scalable Product Business in B2B

Many entrepreneurs start off as consultants to pay the bills while they explore business opportunities. Working as consultants gives them visibility into the business problems of companies, build proximity with customers, and allow them to develop domain expertise around their consulting services, which can then